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Zendesk connector
Written by Antoine Marin
Updated over a week ago

In this article, find out how Pysae makes it easy to connect to Zendesk. An easy way to track and manage your incidents.

Pysae has a connector with Zendesk that makes it easy to manage operational incidents, maintenance workflows and customer complaints.

This means you can create support tickets to quickly share information with your team.

Manage incidents with Zendesk

Are you experiencing a problem with a race and don't know why? Ask your teams for details by creating a support ticket. To facilitate your exchanges, each incident is associated with a predefined code depending on the nature of the incident.

These tickets have a status and can be accessed from the Pysae monitoring platform or from Zendesk.

They are open to members of your team who have a Zendesk account. They can therefore respond or comment quickly.

Enjoy greater flexibility

The Zendesk connector works like a handrail. It allows you to track the progress of an incident, find out its details and its resolution.

This gives teams greater flexibility in dealing with incidents. It also avoids any gaps between the request and the resolution.

Additional Zendesk features

Zendesk gives you a clear view of your incidents: you can consult tickets in progress and resolved tickets at any time.

The tool also provides tools for analyzing incident response times and resolution times.

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