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Download Pysae Driver application
Written by Antoine Marin
Updated over a week ago

Latest version

The latest version of the Pysae Driver application is available via Google Play.

APK download links for MDM users

The table below lists the Pysae Driver versions and the corresponding APK download links.

Pysae Driver version


Minimum Android version

Download link


Fix : Hide device when no location at all is available

Feat : Internal log management enhancement

Recommended : 13.0

Minimum : 11.0


Feat : Handle door detection for Iris IBIS-IP connector

Feat : Skip Dead Running on Duty Start

Fix : issues on driver change when using driver code

Recommended : 13.0

Minimum : 11.0


Feat : Handle door detection for Iris QIP connector

Feat : Handle automatic theme (ligth/dark) theme change

Minor fixes

Recommended : 13.0

Minimum : 11.0


Fix : Handle boolean property rendering in checklist properly

Recommended : 13.0

Minimum : 11.0


Feat : Add Driver identification code

Feat : Filter trip list with driver's planning

Recommended : 13.0

Minimum : 11.0


Fix : Enhance GTFS updates download

Recommended : 13.0

Minimum : 11.0


Fix : Enable search bar input with native Android keyboard

Recommended : 13.0

Minimum : 11.0


Fix : Remember driver selection from previous duty

Fix : Handle "assigned driver" features

Recommended : 13.0

Minimum : 11.0


Minor fixes
Handle Iris count whith stop detection

Recommended : 13.0

Minimum : 11.0


Fix : handle "no gps" indicator correctly

Recommended : 13.0

Minimum : 11.0


Major version redefining UX/UI.

Recommended : 13.0

Minimum : 11.0


Minor fixes
Handle Iris count whith stop detection

Recommended : 13.0

Minimum : 11.0

Nota Bene

The minimum Android version shown is the version for which Pysae guarantees operation of the embedded application. For earlier versions, the application may work, but Pysae does not guarantee that it will.

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