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Trip management
Written by Antoine Marin
Updated over 8 months ago


In this article you'll find all the information you need to manage your shopping.

Here's what you need to know:

  • Add a trip

  • Create a return trip from an outbound trip

  • Duplicate a trip

  • Modify the stop sequence of a trip

  • Modify a trip's timetable

  • Delete races from a route

  • Delete all runs on a route

Reminder: if you want to modify an existing plan that is in use or in production ("Active" or "Completed" status), first duplicate it (to do this, refer to the "Duplicating a transport plan" section of this article) and apply the modifications to the duplicate, then publish it.

Add a trip

Option 1:

Duplicate an existing run (without modifying the service)

If you simply wish to add a run to an existing service that is similar in every way to the existing runs (same stop sequence, same interval between stops), you can use the "duplicate" function to create your new run.

To do so, please consult this article

Option 2:

Create a run from scratch (by modifying the service)

If you'd like to add a run that differs from those already on your route (different stop sequence, non-standard interval between stops), you'll need to set up your route manually, by creating a new route.

Create a return trip from an outbound trip

In your unpublished transport plan, go to the "Lines" tab and select the relevant line. Then choose the service to be completed.

Click on the 3 small dots next to the run you wish to reverse, then click on "Reverse".

Fill in the information requested in the pop-up window that has just opened, then click on "Reverse" again to validate the creation of the return. Your new route with the reversed stop order is generated. This action automatically creates a new service.

However, no route is assigned to your new service, so you need to generate a new route.

Duplicate a run

In your unpublished transport plan, go to the "Lines" tab and select the line you wish to duplicate. Then select the service to which the run to be duplicated belongs.

Click on the 3 small dots next to the run you wish to duplicate, then click on "Duplicate".

Fill in the information requested in the pop-up window that has just opened, then click on "Duplicate" again to confirm the creation of the duplicate.

Good to know:

If your runs are not timetabled, repeat the process to generate the desired runs one by one at the desired times on the service.

The run(s) has/have been generated. They appear in green in the timetable.

Modify the stop sequence of a run

In your unpublished transport plan, go to the "Lines" tab and select the line concerned. Then select the service to which the run to be modified belongs. Open the relevant run and click on the blue pencil icon to modify it.

Click on the 3 small dots next to the stop name to insert a stop before or after the selected stop, or simply to delete it. By clicking on a stop in the list, you can replace it with another stop.

Finally, you can choose to add a stop using the button at the bottom of the stop list. Once your stop has been added, you need to fill in the "Schedule" boxes (in HH:MM:SS format).

Once you've made your changes, click on the blue icon with a tick to validate.

Please note:

You will then need to update your route in order to integrate your new stop into it.

Modify the timetable of a run

In your unpublished transport plan, go to the "Lines" tab and select the line concerned. Then select the service to which the run you wish to modify belongs.

A summary table of all the runs in this service will appear. Simply click on the insert of the timetable to be modified to indicate the change.

You're done! The data is automatically saved once you've entered the new timetable.

Delete races from a route

In your unpublished transport plan, go to the "Lines" tab and select the line you wish to delete. Then select the service of which the run to be deleted is a part.

Tick the boxes corresponding to the runs (or the run) to be deleted. Two blue buttons appear, allowing you to delete the selected lines or to select and delete all.

Click on the "Delete selected races" button, then validate the dialog box that appears for the race to disappear definitively.

Delete all runs on a line

To delete all the runs on a line, you need to delete all the runs on each of the services on that line.

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