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Add, modify or delete a stop
Written by Antoine Marin
Updated over a week ago


This section contains all the information you need to manage your stoppages in Pysae.

What you need to know :

  • Viewing or modifying a stop

  • Add a stop

  • Delete a stop

  • Delete unused stops

Reminder: if you want to modify an existing plan that is in use or in production ("Active" or "Completed" status), first duplicate it (to do this, refer to the "Duplicate a transport plan" section of this article) and apply the modifications to the duplicate then publish it.

Viewing or modifying stop information

To do this, go to the view of your transport plans (Resources > Transport plan), select the plan concerned ("Draft" status) then click on the "Stops" tab. Finally, click on the name of the stop you wish to view or modify in the list or on the corresponding point on the map to open the detailed menu. The selected stop will be highlighted on the map.

From the menu that opens, you can view or modify the various attributes of the stop.

Here is the information that you can modify directly:

  • Name of the stop

  • Coordinates, latitude and longitude in WGS84 format (in decimal degrees) in accordance with the GTFS standard.

And in "More information", you can modify :

  • Wheelchair boarding

  • The platform code

  • A description

  • A URL

  • Time zone

  • The fare zone identifier

Then click on "Save" to confirm your changes.

Add a stop

Go to your transport plan view (Resources > Transport plan), select the plan concerned (status "Draft") then click on the "Stops" tab. Then click on the 'Add a stop' button at the top right of the list of stops.

A window will open asking you to enter information about the new stop.

You must enter a stop identifier and a name.

For GPS coordinates, you can :

  • Enter them by hand

  • Or click on the map where you want to position the new stop.

Good to know:

Once you have positioned the stop on the map, you can move it to update its position.

Remember to save your changes so that they take effect.

Deleting a stop

To do this, go to your transport plan view (Resources > Transport plan), select the plan concerned (status "Draft") then click on the "Stops" tab. Finally, click on the name of the stop you wish to delete or on the corresponding point on the map.

Once the detailed information has been displayed, click on the bin at the bottom right of the window.

A pop-up window will open asking you to confirm the operation. Click on "Yes".

The stop is deleted!

Deleting unused stops

Following updates to a transport plan, it often happens that certain stops become useless, i.e. they are no longer served by any journeys.

Pysae offers you the chance to quickly remove all these unused stops.

To do this, go to the view of your transport plans (Resources > Transport plan), select the plan concerned (status "Draft"). If you have any unused stops, an alert will appear on the "Stops" line in the summary table. Click on this alert.

You can access the list of errors and alerts in the transport plan. In the "Stops" section, a message tells you if you have any unused stops. Click on them. A drop-down menu opens, showing you the list of stops concerned. Click on the "Delete unused stops" button at the bottom of this list.

A pop-up window will appear asking you to confirm the operation. Click on "Delete". The stops have disappeared, along with the alert.

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