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Overlaying routes
Written by Antoine Marin
Updated over a week ago

If your network includes sections shared by several lines, then the routes of these lines will overlap.

In this case, the order in which the routes are displayed on the various Pysae application maps is calculated according to the "shape_id" field (in your GTFS) based on the names of your routes in your transport plan.

The display order gives priority to letters (in descending order), then numbers (in descending order).

Example: you have a list of routes entitled: 1, 2, 3, A, B and C. In this case, route C will be superimposed on all the other routes. Below it, in this order, are the paths: B, A, 3, 2, 1.

So, if you want the route of your line 1 to be displayed in the foreground of a common section on the map, its route identifier must be higher (numerically or alphabetically) than the other route identifiers of the other lines.

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