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All Collections🔗Connectors and interfacesOn-board equipment
List of connectors with available on-board equipment
List of connectors with available on-board equipment
Written by Antoine Marin
Updated over a week ago

Connectors with the SIV (Passenger Information System)


  • Connector on IP (via WIFI router) via DUHIP protocol with Pilotbox

  • Wired connector (via RS232 cable) with Pilot wind vane console


  • Connector on IP (via WIFI router) via SYLV1 protocol with HTC

  • Wired connector (via RS232 cable) with Eric+ and EG3 wind vane consoles

Connectors with ticketing systems


  • Connector on IP (via WIFI router) via AEP/Pysae protocol

KUBA (formerly VIX)

  • Connector on IP (via WIFI router) via KUBA/Pysae protocol

Connector with passenger counting systems


  • Connector on IP (via WIFI router) via IRIS/Pysae protocol

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