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List of trips
Written by Antoine Marin
Updated over a week ago

General principle

The "Trips" module enables you to find all your daily trips, their status in real time, and all the information you need to keep track of them.

This tab can be accessed from the farm supervision platform by clicking on "Trips" in the left-hand vertical menu.


Trip list

You can view the trips list for the current day, previous days (13-month history) and upcoming days. By default, the current day is displayed. Only one day can be selected at a time.

Trip categories and status

Trips are classified into 4 categories according to their status: All, Ok, Anomalies and No data.

  • All : This tab contains all trips that have been, are being or will be run on the selected date.

  • Ok: In this tab, you'll find "Followed" and "Completed" trips that are running smoothly, as planned.

  • Anomalies: This list shows you all trips that are "Unfollowed" or have a "Problem" which may be linked to: taking the trip too early or too late, taking the trip too far or incomplete trip follow-up (less than 80% of planned kilometers).

  • No data: trips to come or supposedly completed (for which no data has been recorded).

Trip list display

You can customize the way your shopping list is displayed.

Information :

  • By default, the "Race name" and "Status" columns are displayed.

  • By default, the "Line" and "Progress" columns are displayed.

By clicking on "Columns" in the top right-hand corner of your interface, you can select the additional columns you wish to be displayed. Check or uncheck the items you wish to view in the drop-down menu.

Filters :

You can apply filters to certain columns to obtain the information you're looking for more quickly.

E.g.: At the top of the "Status" column, click on the funnel icon to filter and display only the information you're interested in. You can manage them quickly using the "Filters" button at the top right of the interface.

Search bar :

The one displayed at the top right of your interface (alongside "Filters" and "Columns") lets you search for races, by name, easily.

Good to know:

For even more relevant answers, you can combine the use of filters, column sorting and search. To sort your column, click on its heading.

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