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Stop zone parameters
Written by Antoine Marin
Updated over a week ago

As administrator of the operating account, you can configure your network settings from the Pysae platform. To do this, click on the three dots at the top right.

Then make sure you're in the "Distances and stop zones" tab.

A stop zone is a circle of a certain radius that determines when the vehicle is considered to have stopped or to have left the stop. You can modify the default size of stop zones, or add a specific size for a specific stop.

The "Default value" of a stop zone is 50 m, but you can modify this value by using the arrows that appear when hovering over the associated box, or by directly entering the desired value.

It is also possible to add specific radii for one or more stops. For each stop, this specific value can be higher or lower than the default value.

Simply enter the name of the stop and the desired radius value in the boxes that appear after clicking on the "+ Add" button at the bottom of the list.

Don't forget to save.

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