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Commercial kilometers report
Written by Antoine Marin
Updated over a week ago

You can access a global view of your figures at any time. When you arrive at your Pysae interface, consult the "Reports" tab in the left-hand side menu.

The report shows you the commercial kilometers recorded, compared with the theoretical kilometers, as well as the percentage of kilometers actually achieved.

In this section you'll find information on :

Detailed statistics

You can consult and download the reports on the commercial kilometres recorded. To do this, click on ‘Commercial Kilometres’ in the left-hand side menu of your Pysae interface.

Select the dates of your choice in the top left-hand corner and click on ‘Apply’.

Your report is now available for consultation. You'll find the following information:

  • Total kilometers for the selected period.

  • Percentage of commercial kilometers recorded compared with theoretical kilometers.

  • Details of kilometers recorded per day. To view other days, use the arrow on the right.

Completed kilometers are colored differently according to the percentage of races tracked. Those not recorded are in grey.

  • Green: more than 80% of theoretical kilometers have been recorded.

  • Orange: between 50 and 80% of theoretical kilometers have been recorded

  • Red: less than 50% of theoretical kilometers recorded.

The last part of the report gives details of the kilometers recorded per line. To view the other lines, use the small arrow on the right.

Download report (.CSV)

Click on the "Download" button in the top right-hand corner of your interface. The report downloads automatically in CSV (Excel) format.

Detailed file

This file is a CSV file with all raw data.

The file contains all the recorded mileage data compared with the theoretical mileage.

You can manipulate this data to perform any analysis you wish.

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