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Vehicle management
Written by Antoine Marin
Updated over 3 months ago

You can manage individual vehicles from the operating platform in just a few clicks.

Basic functions

Click on the "Resources" tab in the side menu, then on "Vehicles". This takes you to the list of vehicles and their license plate numbers.

You can filter this view using the "Columns" drop-down menu in the top right-hand corner of the screen.

If you wish to modify data relating to a vehicle, click on the pencil on the right of the screen.

You can delete a vehicle by clicking on the "Archive" button marked with a box icon.

Add a vehicle manually

You can add a vehicle by clicking on the button at top left. Enter the vehicle's fleet number and license plate.

You can also add its capacity and a comment via the icon on the right. The "Capacity" column lets you determine the number of spaces available per vehicle. This allows you to calculate the bus occupancy rate in real time.

Add vehicles via CSV file

You can also import a list of vehicles by downloading a csv file. You can file a sample file here.

Click on the "Import" button in the top left-hand corner. Click on "Choose a file" to select your file, then on "Validate".

NB: csv import is compatible with business solutions such as SQILLS. When importing a csv file, the new file overwrites all existing data.

Sample file to download :

Attachment icon
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