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Traveler application guide
Written by Antoine Marin
Updated over 7 months ago

On this page, discover the many features of the Pysae traveler application.

On this page, you will find a detailed presentation of the Pysae traveler application, its functions and management:

Everything travelers can do with the Pysae app

  • Messages

  • Contact form

  • Change language

  • Timetables

  • Hide lines

  • Communication media

  • QR Code

  • Real-time passenger display screen

Everything passengers can do with the Pysae app

Thanks to the Pysae app, your passengers have a wide range of functions at their disposal.

Check routes

The application lets you consult all the routes available on the network.

Passengers can access them from the home screen in map format or via the "Lines" tab in their application.

Track vehicles and consult timetables

The application also allows passengers to track vehicles in real time. You can see the position of a vehicle by zooming in on the route in the maps tab or by going to the "Lines" tab.

Passengers can find out when the vehicle will be passing the stop of their choice.

Passengers can also select a stop on the map to see the waiting time at that stop. This information can also be accessed via the "Lines" or "Stops" tabs.

From the "Stops" tab, you can search for a stop using the search bar. The same applies to a line, from the "Lines" tab.

Passengers can also geolocate their position by clicking on the pin button.

They can also recentre the map by clicking on the button above.

Add a line or stop to your favorites

Passengers can bookmark stops or lines. This way, they can find the information that interests them at a glance.

To add a stop or line to your favorites, simply click on the star-shaped button next to the line or stop.

Passengers will find their favorite lines or stops at the top of the corresponding page.


The Pysae application allows your passengers to receive messages, alerts and notifications.

These can be commercial information messages or messages about ongoing disruption on the network.

To send messages, visit our dedicated page here.

If they have activated push notifications, they will also have access to alerts directly from their smartphone's home screen.

Contact form

Passengers can also contact the network operator via their application. To do this, they go to the "Profile" tab and then click on the "Contact the network" button.

It obtains the network's contact details (phone number and email).

Change language

The Pysae traveler application is available in French, English and Breton.

To change the language of the interface, the traveler must go to "Profile" and click on "Language".


Via the application, passengers can consult the timetables for the day and the next 7 days at the stop of their choice.

Simply go to the "Stops" tab and select the stop of your choice.

You can change the date by clicking on it.

Hide lines

To hide certain lines on the traveler application, you can consult our dedicated page here.

QR codes to download the application

You can also display these QR codes so that passengers can download the application onto their smartphone.

N.B. You can right-click on the images to save them.

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