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Detours view
Written by Antoine Marin
Updated over a week ago

The Detours view lets you view active detours, easily add a route modification or plan your passenger information in just a few clicks.

Viewing and modifying detours

On this screen, you can view all your diversions: active or inactive. To select active detours, click on the corresponding button in the top left-hand corner.

Here you can see the route and line affected, as well as the date. In the ‘Regulation’ column, you can see the details of the deviation. By hovering your mouse over this column, you can program the passenger information relating to this deviation.

If you click on ‘Program passenger information’, a screen appears.

Here you can write the passenger message and set its parameters, in particular the start and end dates and times.

Don't forget to click on confirm to save the changes.

If you click on the pencil, you can modify the diversion. This will take you to the race modification screen. To confirm your changes, click on ‘Apply changes’.

You can also delete a diversion by clicking on the bin icon on the right.

Finally, you can download all the detours by clicking on the ‘Download’ button in the top right-hand corner.

Create a deviation

To access the Deviations screen, click on the ‘Deviations’ item in the side menu.

To create a deviation, simply click on the ‘New modification’ button in the top right-hand corner.

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