Dernière version
La dernière version majeure de l'application Pysae Driver est disponible via Google Play.
Liens de téléchargement des APK pour les utilisateurs disposant d'un MDM
Le tableau ci-dessous répertorie les versions de Pysae Driver et les liens pour le téléchargement des APK correspondant.
Version de Pysae Driver | Evolutions | Version d'Android minimum | Lien de téléchargement |
V5.2.4 | Improve test tools Improve duhip busconnect simulator Add cache for getTimezoneOffset to fix slow behavior on some devices Use in memory storage for invocations queue and async localStorage persistence Allow previous trip selection in trips sheet (sequence mode) Web deployments can't be used because of invalid http:// protocol instead of https:// Move outputGpx option to run function in simulator * Geolocation may not restart on browser refresh Map may sometimes not appear on driver v5.2+ Display of force start button while in service mode Device simulation mode doesn't work in sequence Possible crash in error response parsing on IRIS IBIS-IPAllow hyperlinks to be opened in Driver Invalid watcher that could cause empty trip/service selection list AEP connector is always OUT_OF_ORDER Use /1.0-PAI instead of /2.1 path for IRIS IBIS-IP requests | Recommandée : 14.0
Minimum : 12.0 | |
V5.2.3 | Allow hyperlinks to be opened in Driver Fix: invalid watcher that could cause empty trip/service selection list Fix: AEP connector is always OUT_OF_ORDER Fix: use /1.0-PAI instead of /2.1 path for IRIS IBIS-IP requests | Recommandée : 14.0
Minimum : 12.0 | |
V5.2.2 |
| Recommandée : 14.0
Minimum : 12.0 | |
V5.2.1 | Implement a timer state to automatically end a Driver Shift Implement Matawan connector Feat: use nav-data-processor-api routes only Feat: use new mapbox access token Improve layout blocked features in Driver Fix trip-pending for Silv1 connector Tech: add deployment for driver webapp Fix: add heartbeat message on websocket Fix: reduce Mapbox map loads to reduce costs Update & secure mapbox tokens | Recommandée : 14.0
Minimum : 12.0 | |
V5.2.0 | Display issue in driver for some trip updates Feat: create binaries for standalone simulator Feat: add MESG header to conduent messages Chore: upgrade jsonforms to latest version (3.4.1) Negative passenger load at start of trip Fix: fix kuba connector test (legacy) Use static components for routes Send Station message on trip start, set Trip message terminus to 0, add support for stop_id up to 9999. Feat: use device sessions in standalone simulator Feat: add GTFS agencies timezone support Feat: add simulator timezone support Remove pitch from driver to reduce Mapbox api cost Send Urgent Alert information to Op upon using the SOS button Implement a timer state to automatically end a Trip | Recommandée : 14.0
Minimum : 12.0 | |
V5.1.28 | Fix: keep TCP socket opened in Conduent connector | Recommandée : 14.0
Minimum : 12.0 | |
V5.1.27 | Feat : Real time update of group and connectors configuration Feat : Make welcome page responsive | Recommandée : 14.0
Minimum : 12.0 |
V5.1.26 | Feat : handle Kuba v8 connector | Recommandée : 14.0
Minimum : 12.0 |
V5.1.25 | Fix : dissociate trip start and trip pending | Recommandée : 14.0
Minimum : 12.0 |
V5.1.24 | Technical : Enhance global performances on old devices | Recommandée : 14.0
Minimum : 12.0 |
V5.1.23 | Technical : Add automated tests for UI and connectors Feat : Add confirmation button in passengers count view Feat : Reduce message queue retention to 10 minutes | Recommandée : 14.0
Minimum : 12.0 |
V5.1.22 | Fix : GTFS id init in memory | Recommandée : 14.0
Minimum : 12.0 |
V5.1.21 | Fix : AEP connector | Recommandée : 14.0
Minimum : 12.0 |
V5.1.20 | Fix : Batch response handling | Recommandée : 14.0
Minimum : 12.0 |
V5.1.19 | Fix : improve error handling when downloading a transport plan | Recommandée : 14.0
Minimum : 12.0 |
V5.1.18 | Fix : improve communication with API when network or device specifications are low | Recommandée : 14.0
Minimum : 12.0 |
V5.1.17 | Fix : improve error handling in initialization and group change | Recommandée : 14.0
Minimum : 12.0 |
V5.1.16 | Fix: invalid passenger-count if gtfs id is null c Fix : display of boarding in in stop-info view Fix Missing trips in trip selection | Recommandée : 14.0
Minimum : 12.0 |
V5.1.15 | Feat : Allow research on route short name Fix : fix "back" action behavior Fix : Hangle group change correctly when gtfs has changed | Recommandée : 14.0
Minimum : 12.0 |
V5.1.14 | Fix : invalid group state when single group and upgrade from v4.2.x Fix : impossible to change group | Recommandée : 14.0
Minimum : 12.0 |
V5.1.13 | Fix : Improve map performance | Recommandée : 14.0
Minimum : 12.0 |
V5.1.12 | Internal improvements | Recommandée : 14.0
Minimum : 12.0 |
V5.1.11 | Fix: invalid assigned vehicle/driver in services Fix: avoid deadlocks caused by unhandled errors in connectors Fix: Crash in AEP Connector Internal improvements | Recommandée : 14.0
Minimum : 12.0 |
V5.1.10 | Fix : missing vehicle in services taken with assigned vehicle devices fix: back button on checkin checklist shows empty checkin summary | Recommandée : 13.0
Minimum : 11.0 |
V5.1.9 | Fix : Change memory usage method Feat : Display error when authentication by device id fails Feat : Update Shift selection screen according to selected shift mode Minor fixes | Recommandée : 13.0
Minimum : 11.0 |
V5.1.8 | Fix : Handle archived driver assigned to device | Recommandée : 13.0
Minimum : 11.0 |
V5.1.7 | Feat : Include group selection on home page Feat : Delete Shift Warning on service Mod | Recommandée : 13.0
Minimum : 11.0 |
V5.1.6 | Fix : Hide device when no location at all is available Feat : Internal log management enhancement | Recommandée : 13.0
Minimum : 11.0 |
V5.1.5 | Feat : Handle door detection for Iris IBIS-IP connector Feat : Skip Dead Running on Duty Start Fix : issues on driver change when using driver code | Recommandée : 13.0
Minimum : 11.0 |
V5.1.4 | Feat : Handle door detection for Iris QIP connector Feat : Handle automatic theme (ligth/dark) theme change Minor fixes | Recommandée : 13.0
Minimum : 11.0 |
V5.1.3 | Fix : Handle boolean property rendering in checklist properly | Recommandée : 13.0
Minimum : 11.0 |
V5.1.2 | Feat : Add Driver identification code Feat : Filter trip list with driver's planning | Recommandée : 13.0
Minimum : 11.0 |
V5.0.5 | Fix : Enhance GTFS updates download | Recommandée : 13.0
Minimum : 11.0 |
V5.0.4 | Fix : Enable search bar input with native Android keyboard | Recommandée : 13.0
Minimum : 11.0 |
V5.0.3 | Fix : Remember driver selection from previous duty Fix : Handle "assigned driver" features | Recommandée : 13.0
Minimum : 11.0 |
V5.0.2 | Minor fixes | Recommandée : 13.0
Minimum : 11.0 |
V5.0.1 | Fix : handle "no gps" indicator correctly | Recommandée : 13.0
Minimum : 11.0 |
V5.0.0 | Major version redefining UX/UI. | Recommandée : 13.0
Minimum : 11.0 |
Nota Bene
La version minimum d'Android présentée est la version pour laquelle Pysae garantit un fonctionnement de l'application embarquée. Pour les versions précédentes, l'application peut fonctionner mais Pysae ne garantit pas son fonctionnement.