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Adding, modifying and deleting a calendar
Adding, modifying and deleting a calendar
Written by Antoine Marin
Updated over 8 months ago


In this article, you'll find all the information you need to manage your calendars in Pysae.

What you need to know :

Reminder: if you want to modify an existing plan which is in use or in production ("Active" or "Completed" status), first duplicate it (to do this, refer to the "Duplicating a transport plan" section of this article) and apply the modifications to the duplicate then publish it.

Add a calendar

Go to the view of your transport plans (Resources > Transport plan), select the plan concerned (status "Draft") then click on the "Calendar" tab in the left-hand side menu or on the home page.

Start by naming your calendar in the dedicated box, then click "Add".

A new page will open. Now define the activation days by ticking the boxes, and enter a start date and an end date.

You can remove any days with no activity (e.g. public holidays or other days with no activity) by clicking on the date(s) concerned in the "Removed" line. To do the opposite, click on the date(s) concerned in the "Added" line.

Don't forget to save.

Your new calendar is ready!

Modify a calendar

Go to the view of your transport plans (Resources > Transport plan), select the plan concerned (status "Draft") then click on the "Calendar" tab in the left-hand side menu or on the home page.

Select the calendar you wish to modify by clicking on it in the list, then do as you wish: modify the activation days, modify the calendar start date, modify the calendar end date.

You can remove any one-off days with no activity (e.g. public holidays or other days with no activity) by clicking on the date(s) concerned in the "Removed" line. To do the opposite, click on the date(s) in question in the "Added" line.

Don't forget to save.

Your calendar has now been modified!

Delete a calendar

Go to the view of your transport plans (Resources > Transport plan), select the plan concerned (status "Draft") then click on the "Calendar" tab in the left-hand side menu or on the home page.

Select the calendar you want to delete, then click on the red "Delete" button and confirm the deletion in the pop-up window that opens.

Your calendar has been deleted!

Apply a calendar to trips

Go to your transport plan view (Resources > Transport plan), select the plan concerned (status "Draft") then click on the "Lines" tab in the left-hand side menu or on the home page.

Select the line concerned, then the service by clicking on it. You can now see the schedule for each route.

Click on the trip identifier you want, then click on the blue button with the pencil at the top right of your interface to modify it.

Click on the drop-down menu entitled "Calendar ID" to select the calendar you want, then save by clicking on the blue tick in the same place as the pencil.

Repeat the operation for all the routes you wish to update. You can quickly return to the list of trips by clicking on the breadcrumb trail at the top left of your interface.

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