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Recovering a vehicle's tracks
Written by Antoine Marin
Updated over a week ago

As a reminder: if you want to modify an existing plan that is in use or in production ("Active" or "Completed" status), first duplicate it (to do this, refer to the "Duplicating a transport plan" section of this article) and apply the modifications to the duplicate, then publish it.

The vehicle track recovery function allows you to display the route actually taken by a vehicle and compare it with the theoretical route. You can then modify the theoretical route to match the actual route.

Go to the view of your transport plans (Resources > Transport plan), select the plan concerned (status "Draft") then click on the "Routes" tab.

Select a route by clicking on an item in the list or by selecting it on the map. A pop-up window with the route information opens. Tick the 'Show track' box, select the date and then the trip you are interested in.

The map shows the theoretical route in red and the vehicle track in blue.

You can then modify the track to match the actual route.

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